NFTs And Gaming

Spend any time on the financial pages of any internet news site, and we’re sure you would have come across the term “NFT.” As you probably know this means “non-fungible token”,  and it’s certainly introduced a new and exciting instrument into the world of crypto. And you’ve probably seen some of the unbelievable prices thatContinue reading “NFTs And Gaming”

How NFTs can Reinvent Economy-Building Games – Own Your Creations

What are economy-building games? A game economy is a financial system within a virtual environment that configures all the loops and elements (currencies, time loops, XP, levels, pricing, etc.) within the rendered environment to maintain a self-sustaining and purpose-driven ecosystem. Different game economies affect players’ behaviors in different ways within the same game.  The primaryContinue reading “How NFTs can Reinvent Economy-Building Games – Own Your Creations”

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